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September 2024 Page 19

September 2024

TrickMo Android Trojan Exploits Accessibility Services for On-Device Banking Fraud

TrickMo Android Trojan Exploits Accessibility Services for On-Device Banking Fraud

Sep 13, 2024Ravie LakshmananFinancial Fraud / Mobile Security Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new variant of an Android banking trojan called TrickMo that comes packed with new capabilities to evade analysis and display fake login… 

Progress WhatsUp Gold Exploited Just Hours After PoC Release for Critical Flaw

Progress WhatsUp Gold Exploited Just Hours After PoC Release for Critical Flaw

Sep 13, 2024Ravie LakshmananSoftware Security / Threat Intelligence Malicious actors are likely leveraging publicly available proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits for recently disclosed security flaws in Progress Software WhatsUp Gold to conduct opportunistic attacks. The activity is…