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Security News, Assessments & Alerts Page 111

Security News, Assessments & Alerts

Security Issues, Vulnerabilities, Exploits & Government Alerts

New Attack Technique Exploits Microsoft Management Console Files

New Attack Technique Exploits Microsoft Management Console Files

Jun 25, 2024NewsroomVulnerability / Threat Detection Threat actors are exploiting a novel attack technique in the wild that leverages specially crafted management saved console (MSC) files to gain full code execution using Microsoft Management Console… 

New Cyberthreat ‘Boolka’ Deploying BMANAGER Trojan via SQLi Attacks

New Cyberthreat ‘Boolka’ Deploying BMANAGER Trojan via SQLi Attacks

Jun 25, 2024NewsroomData Theft / Web Security A previously undocumented threat actor dubbed Boolka has been observed compromising websites with malicious scripts to deliver a modular trojan codenamed BMANAGER. “The threat actor behind this campaign…