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SparkCat Malware Uses OCR to Extract Crypto Wallet Recovery Phrases from Images

SparkCat Malware Uses OCR to Extract Crypto Wallet Recovery Phrases from Images

A new malware campaign dubbed SparkCat has leveraged a suit of bogus apps on both Apple’s and Google’s respective app stores to steal victims’ mnemonic phrases associated with cryptocurrency wallets. The attacks leverage an optical… 

North Korean APT Kimsuky Uses forceCopy Malware to Steal Browser-Stored Credentials

North Korean APT Kimsuky Uses forceCopy Malware to Steal Browser-Stored Credentials

Feb 06, 2025Ravie LakshmananThreat Intelligence / Malware The North Korea-linked nation-state hacking group known as Kimsuky has been observed conducting spear-phishing attacks to deliver an information stealer malware named forceCopy, according to new findings from…