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How a cybersecurity researcher befriended, then doxed, the leader of LockBit ransomware gang

How a cybersecurity researcher befriended, then doxed, the leader of LockBit ransomware gang

Earlier this year, an international coalition of law enforcement agencies took control of the dark web site of the notorious ransomware gang LockBit, replacing its content with the now-familiar message from the authorities: “This site… 

‘Got that boomer!’: How cyber-criminals steal one-time passcodes for SIM swap attacks and raiding bank accounts

‘Got that boomer!’: How cyber-criminals steal one-time passcodes for SIM swap attacks and raiding bank accounts

The incoming phone call flashes on a victim’s phone. It may only last a few seconds, but can end with the victim handing over codes that give cybercriminals the ability to hijack their online accounts…