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The 2024 Browser Security Report Uncovers How Every Web Session Could be a Security Minefield

The 2024 Browser Security Report Uncovers How Every Web Session Could be a Security Minefield

May 13, 2024The Hacker NewsBrowser Security / Data Protection With the browser becoming the most prevalent workspace in the enterprise, it is also turning into a popular attack vector for cyber attackers. From account takeovers… 

‘Got that boomer!’: How cyber-criminals steal one-time passcodes for SIM swap attacks and raiding bank accounts

‘Got that boomer!’: How cyber-criminals steal one-time passcodes for SIM swap attacks and raiding bank accounts

The incoming phone call flashes on a victim’s phone. It may only last a few seconds, but can end with the victim handing over codes that give cybercriminals the ability to hijack their online accounts…