MSI’s new ‘invisible cable’ desktop PC goes too far
One of my favorite trends in desktop PC design for the last couple of years has been what we call “The War on Cables,” wherein all the interior power and data cables are hidden on…
One of my favorite trends in desktop PC design for the last couple of years has been what we call “The War on Cables,” wherein all the interior power and data cables are hidden on…
One of my favorite trends in desktop PC design for the last couple of years has been what we call “The War on Cables,” wherein all the interior power and data cables are hidden on…
With the character block sitting unused, a later Unicode version planned to reuse the abandoned characters to represent countries. For instance, “us” or “jp” might represent the United States and Japan. These tags could then…
Technology improvements are a bit like going to a movie or a magic show: you want to be wowed, but it works best when you don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes. You don’t…